In a quiet neighborhood, there are five houses in a row, each painted a different color. In each house lives a person with a unique profession. Each person has a different favorite drink, a favorite pet, and a unique hobby. Use the following clues to determine who owns the fish:
The architect lives in the red house.
The teacher has a dog.
The doctor drinks tea.
The green house is immediately to the right of the white house.
The artist enjoys painting.
The person in the green house drinks coffee.
The musician keeps birds.
The yellow house is to the left of the red house.
The person who likes reading lives next to the person with a cat.
The person who drinks milk lives in the middle house.
The engineer lives next to the yellow house.
The person who likes gardening lives next to the person who drinks water.
The person who likes jogging lives in the first house.
The person who likes reading lives next to the person who keeps horses.
Who owns the fish?
Solution Steps:
Identify the houses and their characteristics:
1st house: yellow, architect, lives next to engineer.
2nd house: blue, lives next to yellow house.
3rd house: red, middle house, drinks milk.
4th house: white, has a green house on the right.
5th house: green, drinks coffee.
Assign people to houses based on the given clues:
The architect lives in the red house (clue 1).
The person who likes jogging lives in the first house (clue 13).
The engineer lives next to the yellow house (clue 11).
The green house is immediately to the right of the white house (clue 4).
The person in the green house drinks coffee (clue 6).
The person who drinks milk lives in the middle house (clue 10).
The doctor drinks tea (clue 3).
Determine pets and hobbies:
The teacher has a dog (clue 2).
The musician keeps birds (clue 7).
The artist enjoys painting (clue 5).
The person who likes reading lives next to the person with a cat (clue 9).
The person who likes gardening lives next to the person who drinks water (clue 12).
The person who likes reading lives next to the person who keeps horses (clue 14).
Combine all information:
The person in the first house likes jogging, lives in the yellow house, and must be next to the engineer in the blue house.
The architect in the red house, drinking milk, must be in the middle.
The green house on the right of the white house must drink coffee.
The person in the blue house must be an engineer, next to the jogger.
Therefore, the green house owner, drinking coffee, must be the doctor.
Thus, the artist, painting, must live in the green house.
This leaves the fish with the remaining logical placement.
Final Answer: The person in the fourth house (green house, drinks coffee, artist) owns the fish.
Explanation: By carefully combining the clues, the logical placement of each characteristic leads to the conclusion that the artist, living in the fourth house (green house), owns the fish.